Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yogurt. Plain and Simple.

I can't it get out of my head. That new commercial. Have you seen it? The narration for the FAGE Greek Yogurt is to say the least - incredible.

Plain was the same as it ever was the same

Plainly plain...

Samely same...

But then...someone lit the flame

Plain rode away on lion's mane

Where plain met fruits with strangely names

Such wonderful things they did contain

A shot of life to a hungry vein

The captive beast who broke the chain

And there upon that fruited plane,

Is where plain became what plain became

So much more than more than plain

Plain will never be the same

I already love yogurt. Watching this commercial makes me feel as if by eating this particular brand I could do anything. Run 100 miles...sure. Swim the Atlantic...why not. End hunger, cure the ill...I'm just getting started. But that's the point of marketing right? I'm not the type of person to usually fall for such clever schemes, but they got me this time. I'm not ashamed. I've watched it over and over again and am still in awe. It is extraordinary.

I can't it get out of my head. That new commercial. Have you seen it? Click here.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Vacation – retreat, escape, holiday. Whatever word you choose…everyone needs one. Tomorrow I will begin mine. For the last week I have been counting the hours until I will sail my worries away. As I write this there are 22 hours, 58 minutes, and 40 seconds until we set sail for Mexico.

Life is stressful. You need a break. Even if you think you don’t – you do. We live our lives for only a short time. Enjoy it while you can. You are not getting any younger. Just take time to just relax and unwind from the every day.

I plan on napping every single day. I plan on eating all the food I want and not worrying about what I look like in my bathing suit. I will find peace in just doing absolutely nothing.

What will you do?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Etsy Betsy...That's Me.

Etsy...I’m obsessied. I could (sometimes do) spend hours and hours just browsing at photographs, purses, jewelry, dog clothes, home décor, pillows that look like boobs…all handmade or vintage. Just call me Etsy Betsy.

My first experience with this amazing website was awe inspiring. Very quickly I fell in love. The girly “shop ’til I drop” side of me loves the hunt…the chase for something that I really, really want, but more than likely do not need. The creative side of me is astonished at the vast talent of many of the sellers. I am admittedly a little jealous. I am creative, but lately lack the motivation to create anything. Either way, Etsy has my full attention. It’s my favorite thing at the moment.

Almost immediately after our introduction I made my first purchase. After careful consideration I chose a puzzle that spelled out my niece’s name – Aubrey. It was perfectly purple and a great choice for a 1st birthday gift. The planner in me placed the order more than two months before the party. The seller stated that she was very busy with other orders, but to let her know when I needed it so that I would have it in time. It arrived in time, but barely. If it hadn’t been so stinkin’ cute, I would have been really upset. So my first purchase experience wasn’t the greatest. But did I let that stop me? Heck no.

My next two purchases were a tissue box cover and an iPod cover. I know, I know…a little cheesy, right? But both of them are something that I have wanted for quite awhile. I am mad for patterns so my choices were very clear; a brown vintagy floral print for the tissue cover to match the living room and a preppy blue and green plaid cover my iPod to match my purse. I’ve had compliments on both.

Purchases number three and four were necklaces; a locket with a key and an owl. I carefully chose them out of the hundreds upon hundreds of necklaces of these types. My only oversight…they were being shipped from the Philippines. It took almost a month for the tiny package to get to me, but it well worth the wait. They are awesome.
Of my most recent purchases one has not arrived yet. With vacation on my mind I bought a tote bag/huge purse and a wristlet to take with me. I have convinced myself that are more practical to take than the purse that is worth a third of my pay check. Plus, I am purse/bag/tote/wallet obsessied too so these will just add to my collection. Like I said before, I love patterns so these choices were clear also. Below is the wristlet. It arrived on Friday. I love it! The tote is a modern print of apples and pears. I am anxiously awaiting it's arrival.

Just when I thought I had uncovered everything Etsy had to offer, I discovered something else. To me, it's the best part of the entire website. I am an avid list maker. And Etsy's Treasury feature provides me the outlet to be creative while making a (sort of) list of items the shop are selling. I know what your thinking? Matt said the same thing...what is the point? The point is...well...I don't know the exact point. All I know is that it is fun. Check out my Treasury lists. I spend more than time than I'd like to admit daydreaming of my next compilation, secretly obsessing on what I will showcase next. If money grew on trees in my front yard, I would purchase everything on these lists.

If you haven't already, you should definitely explore Etsy and it's hundreds (maybe even thousands) of shops. You never know...some day you made need a shrunken head or a car decal of a recent Charlie Sheen quote. But more than likely you'll choose something like beautiful photograph or a fabulous pair of earrings. Happy browsing!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Girls...Teenage Girls

Last night I came across something rather amusing. As I was rummaging though a storage box of “Ang’s Stuff” as it is labeled I found more than one hundred notes dated from 1992 to 1997. So, as I was walking on the treadmill I read these hilarious pieces of history.

I came to this conclusion:

Girls…teenage girls are…so horribly mean, but at the same time would do anything for their best friends. They think of nothing other than boys. They are naïve with a pinch of rebelliousness. They are immature and get their feeling hurt easily. You’ll see clearly that I was one of those girls.

Although most if it cannot be repeated (shame on us) I thought it would be quite fun to share some of it with you. I will try to keep this as anonymous as possible; no names, just initials. What fun would it be to not know who wrote what? Get ready to laugh until you cry.

-“At the beginning of the note he told me not to have a cow and start thinking he likes me. As if I care if that fag likes me.” (To AMF from MTJ)

-“Dear Patty, Angela honest to God got a 100 on the science test.” (To my mom from AAA)

-“Did you hear? My mom sold Niki to this lady in Texas. Now she lives there, isn’t that great!” (To MLD from AMF)

-“Did you see Angela today? She actually fixed her hair.” (To MLD from MTJ)

-Friends may come; friends may go, but one thing I know is true. That I am lucky to have a best friend and that best friend is you.” (To AMF from KMC)

-“He loves me because he’s told me more than once to my face.” (To AMF from ?)

-I’m also sick of you saying I have bad breath or my hair looks funny. Have you ever even thought what yours looks like?” (To AMF from KMC)

-Last night _____ hit my boob on accident. I started to cry and he told me was sorry about 100 times. It didn’t really hurt. I just wanted to see what he’d do if I started to cry. It was so funny.” (To KKM from AMF)

-“My mom is cussing me out about my grades. I don’t even care though.” (To MLD from AMF)

-“She doesn’t know when to end a sentence. That pisses me off so bad.” (To ? from AMF)

-“Well, you pinched the shit out of my leg and all I did was take your stupid thing off your head. You’re just being a bitch.” (To AMF from MLD)

-“What’s the matter with you? As soon as you walk in the door you look at me like I’m the stupidest person in the world. And you wonder why I hit you.” (To AMF from KMC)

-“Yesterday on the internet I saw pictures of Jared Leto. Naked!! When I get my computer for Christmas we can look at pictures of any guy. So far I’ve seen Jared Leto, Simon Rex, Michael Jackson, Bobby Brown, R. Kelly, and Brad Pitt! Jared was the only naked though.” (To JDB from AMF)

-“You are so nosy. I’m gonna rip off your face!” (To AMF from KKM)

-“You can do better. Just because he has a car doesn’t mean he’s worth it.” (To AMF from MTJ)

-“You mutilated my horny toad, you totally destroyed my cotton field and, and, AND, you molested Toby.” (To AMF from KMC)

-“You scribble that out after you read this. Nevermind. But guess what that said. I scribbled it out because I don’t trust you.” (To AMF from KMC)

-This was a poem (?) written on the back of a note to AMF from KMC.

We used to have good times together, but now were drifting apart.
But who says friends can’t come together
Like a bulls eye and a dart?
Like Donatello and his art?
Like Kroger’s and Wal-Mart?
Like a butt and a fart?
Like blood and a heart?
Like cherries and a tart?
Like Lisa, Maggie, and Bart?

-Another poem written to AMF from KKM.

Do you hear what I hear?
Do you see what I see?
Do you smell what I smell?
What the ____ is that?

I spent most of the evening reading every single one of these notes. More than once I was referred to as Angela Fartverywell by KKM and banana girl by MTJ. Fartverywell, I get…Followell. But, banana girl does not ring a bell. I was threatened with “write back or else” on more than one occasion too. In the end, I laughed until I couldn’t breathe and even teared up a bit. Remember, these were written almost 2 decades ago. Great memories, great friends. I will never have any other like them. And although we are not as close as we used to be I still love you girls. You will always have a special place in my heart.