Not literally. I am a Pisces and that's close enough, right? I don't have fins or gills and underwater breathing is not my forte, but my love for water is undeniable.
If it were up to me (maybe it will be someday) I would live near the ocean. The smell of the water and the crashing of the waves soothes my soul.
Or maybe in the future we will have a lake view home. Dock included so I could swim and sunbathe until the sun goes down.
I'll even settle for a pond in my backyard where I can fish and sit on the bank and read a book.
From what I have been told our house, at one time, had the most beautiful pool in Marshall. Years later, after being severely neglected it had to filled with dirt. Needless to say I am quite upset about that. I can just see myself swimming laps just for the fun of it and Maggie tagging along. I would be a permanent prune.
For now, Mill Creek (it's really a small lake) will do. Sunday afternoons in the boat are fantastic, but evening cruises with my love are my favorite!

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