It’s here. The first sign that autumn is approaching overwhelmed me this morning. The smell of the cool air brought me to tears. Yes, I teared up at just the thought of cooler weather. It’s been a L O N G hot summer.
Although it’s been more than 10 years since I spent an entire season in Southern Illinois , I remember more than anything the perfect weather that fall brings. Days are warm enough to enjoy without the coat that was purchased as part of your back to school wardrobe. Evenings are just cool enough to need your favorite sweatshirt or worn in flannel shirt (yes, I wore flannel in high school…it was the 90’s, people) to break the chill. Back to school meant football. And football ruled my small town. My fondest memories of the Bearcats include walking the track my best friend in elementary school, marching band (even though I hated it) in high school and finally rooting on the boys as a cheerleader my senior year. Those times I wouldn’t trade for anything.
These reasons after all, is why autumn is my favorite time of the year. I could skip winter. I wouldn’t miss it. I shiver at just the thought of snow drifts taller than me. I could forget spring. Rain and the sunless sky depress me. As for summer, I could take it or leave it. Sweat and I don’t mix well. But please give me fall each and every year. I long for days where I am able to open the windows in my house and feel the cool breeze. I count the days until I can free my fall décor from its stuffy storage boxes and trim our home in the most beautiful color scheme. Is it too early now? I’m dying for a bowl of chili and a peanut butter and syrup sandwich. To eat it now would just be sinful.

Alas, today I am reminded that it is still August and stifling hot. Another week of 90 degree weather may kill me. However, the early morning, just before the sun starts to rise gives me hope that fall is right around the corner. They are the first sign that autumn is approaching. And that pleases me like nothing else.
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